We’ve assembled a working prototype of our next generation rotor design with almost all of the features working! At the heart of this new design is a custom PCB which handles our redundant power system and controlling the servos.
Category Archives: EVPR
EVPR Mk.II Latest Electronics
The third revision of the EVPR Mk. II electronics are here! Still have some work to do on the battery charger, but the rest of board is working and testing on the vehicle can start.
March 2020 Progress
Fit checks for the first Mk. II prototype board are complete and the board has been populated. The processor is powered via USB and accepting code!

Prototype Boards Arrived
The prototype boards for EVPR Mk. II are here! Time to start populating the board and checking out the design. Thanks to Georges Oates Larsen for the PCB layout and OSHPark for the awesome boards.

November 2019 Progress
We’ve recently completed a prototype of the power transfer hardware that will be used on our next generation rotor design. Carbon brushes, held in place with a custom 3D-printed holder, transfer power to copper plates on the rotor. On-board batteries will remain, providing a backup power source.
September 2019 Progress, Upcoming Events
The overall design is firming up and some conceptual drawings were completed to show the overall design. On the hardware side, manufacturing of the frame connectors was completed. These parts will couple the upper and lower frames together.
The mechanical design of the Mk. II version is nearly complete and the manufacturing of the first prototype is about to start.
Portland Maker Faire, September 7-8
McCloud Aero Corp. will be displaying our Titan and Goliath vehicles at the Portland Mini-Maker Faire Saturday Sept 7 and Sunday Sept 8. Stop by our booth and check out our progress.
PNW Aerospace Expo, September 28
The 2019 PNW Aerospace Expo will be at Portland State University on Sept. 28. McCloud Aero Corp. will be present with both vehicles on display. Additionally I’ll be giving a talk on re-entry physics of Apollo.
Electric Variable Pitch Propeller
The latest project underway at McCloud Aero Corp is an Electric Variable Pitch Rotor (EVPR). This concept uses electric servos inside the the rotor hub to drive the rotor blades. Power and data are provided wirelessly, making the design self-contained. The concept is in the early stages of development, but you can follow the progress on Hackday.io. The EVPR has been entered for the 2017 Hackaday Prize, so you can support the project by going to Hackday.io and giving it a Like.