After a few design revisions, the oil tank for Titan is complete and ready to integrate into the airframe! The 6 quart tank was made completely in-house with exception to the filler neck and cap.

After a few design revisions, the oil tank for Titan is complete and ready to integrate into the airframe! The 6 quart tank was made completely in-house with exception to the filler neck and cap.
The overall design is firming up and some conceptual drawings were completed to show the overall design. On the hardware side, manufacturing of the frame connectors was completed. These parts will couple the upper and lower frames together.
The mechanical design of the Mk. II version is nearly complete and the manufacturing of the first prototype is about to start.
McCloud Aero Corp. will be displaying our Titan and Goliath vehicles at the Portland Mini-Maker Faire Saturday Sept 7 and Sunday Sept 8. Stop by our booth and check out our progress.
The 2019 PNW Aerospace Expo will be at Portland State University on Sept. 28. McCloud Aero Corp. will be present with both vehicles on display. Additionally I’ll be giving a talk on re-entry physics of Apollo.
Over the last few months, Titan has begun to take shape. The engine mount and modified intake are complete and assembled. A portion of the upper frame has also been assembled. Design work has started on the frame connectors that will hold the two halves of the frame together and the hardware needed to integrate the pilot.
In other news, McCloud Aero Corp. will be back at the Portland Maker Faire, September 7-8 and bringing both prototype vehicles! This will be the first time that Titan will be on public display, so be sure to come and check it out!
The engine for Titan has arrived! It’s a 5 cylinder radial with 60 Hp. Next step will be building the airframe. Can’t wait to hear how cool this thing sounds.